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Archival Print Care Info

What is an Archival print?

An archival print is made using acid-free paper and pigment based ink. We choose speciality papers to ensure Museum-quality prints. The specialty paper and pigment ink help the artwork resist fading and yellowing over time and can last for hundreds of years if properly cared for.

How to care for Archival prints long term?

To protect your prints long-term from fading, we recommend the following:

  • Display under glass in a frame, or keep in the original plastic packaging we provide with the print
  • Display out of direct sun
  • Storage in humidity and temperature controlled environments
How are the prints made?

All Pirani Prints are made in our home-studio on a Canon PRO-300 pigment based printer. We went through months of research and testing to ensure these prints are of the highest quality.

What's the difference between Archival prints and Original pieces?

Archival prints are reproductions of a digital illustration or original piece. Originals are one-of-a-kind pieces drawn/painted directly on fine art paper. Originals are priced higher since there is only one of them, while prints are priced lower since they can be reproduced until the artist chooses to retire the piece.